This just goes to show that Apple will sell anything...
0 comments Posted by Digitally Demented at 2:11 PMI was just talking to a girl who purchased iPeriod... yes, there is an app that will track all your feminine fucntions...
So Ross (rossthe8oss) intro'ed me back into Twitter. The lossed time is piling up...
Every Saturday for the last *as long as I can rememebr*, I've started out every saturday the exact same way.
45 minute commute - iPod w/ podcast = Misery or How I almost died. (Well, I didn't almost die, I didn't even get hurt)
0 comments Posted by Digitally Demented at 10:08 PMWell, back to the grind @ the store today.
Fried Dill Pickles + Ranch = Southern Fried Goodness
0 comments Posted by Digitally Demented at 5:56 PMFried Dill Pickles are a great memorial day treat.
No one cares about you playing golf.
If you love it, sometimes you got to leave it to let it grow...
0 comments Posted by Digitally Demented at 3:10 AMI've never known an old proverb never to ring true. Today is NO exception. After a long night at work, which we won't go into now, I finally made it home to this post on my message board. It's 2am, but I decided to head out anyway just to say hi. It was mostly Delta Sigs, which was fine. But the fire was there. The fire is there. The fire I carried for more than 5 years as a rabid fan. Unfortunately, you can only be a student fan for so long before you have to make the transition to a more adult fan. I've already started to make that turn. But who knows, might have one more appearance in me...
Ok, so I've decided to get back in the swing of blogging.
Let me start by saying that I believe the people who designed Blogger work for Microsoft. I mean, seriously, how hard do you have to make it to upload the template you want and change the font color! I've just spent an hour up here at Panera trying to figure this out. I'm not the best coder out there, nor the dumbest. i'd grade myself at about a 3 outta 10. But I figured it would be just upload the XML and you're good to go. But no, you have to upload the images to a hosting site, hand-edit the code if you want edit the color of the font, and tons of other little things that just make you wanna use the defaults. AHH! Maybe i've been using a Mac for too long. I expect things to be simple and intuitive.
Ok, once I figure out how to add this stuff onto the site, I'll do it, but for now, the email addy is, twitter is /digitaldemented (appearently I'm my name is 2 letters over the limit.) Past that, that's all I've got for now. I'm off to work on my short story for OmegaCon...